Queens Bee Packaging

Queens Bee is a craft mead producer based in Queens, New York. The local nature of their business and industrial character of their home neighborhood presented an opportunity to create a unique and unexpected label for their product.


The New York City borough of Queens is an unlikely place to keep bees or produce honey, the main ingredient in mead. But it felt inauthentic to force a provincial visual theme on the brand. Instead, we decided to double down on an industrial aesthetic.

The most recognizable Queens landmarks are the leftover structures from the 1964 Worlds Fair. I focused on the observation towers because of their resemblance to honey dippers, and used hexagonal honeycomb shapes to dictate the layout of the graphic.

The color palette takes inspiration from the original posters advertising the fair.

References for original artwork for the World’s Fair 1964 and the remaining pavilion and towers

References for original artwork for the World’s Fair 1964 and the remaining pavilion and towers


MiQ Rebrand


MiQ Motion Product Launch